Technical Resources

7 February 2002



These forms are similar to the forms used by the judges when judging a competition.

These forms are copyright protected with all rights reserved.  These forms may be printed for use by individual users for their personal use.  They may not be otherwise copied, modified, distributed, sold, or used for any commercial purpose.

Program Requirements  2001/02 Season

Lists of program requirements for the current season.


Required deductions for the different skating programs.

Trick Lists

Lists of short and long program elements can be found by following the links below.  Element lists are generated from information provided by the skaters and observation of programs throughout the season.  Programs evolve during the season and are subject to change and improvisation.  These lists will be updated during the Games as information becomes available.

The element lists provide program content and space to annotate the programs as they are skated.  The lists are in the form of PDF files for each event and can be downloaded and printed by following the header links.  These files also include blank forms for skaters whose elements have not been tabulated.   These lists may be incomplete and are subject to revision. 

Key to Abbreviations  -   These are the abbreviations used in the element lists.

These forms are copyright protected with all rights reserved.  They may be printed by individual users for their personal use.  They may not be otherwise copied, modified, distributed, sold, or used for any commercial purpose.

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Copyright 2002 by George S. Rossano